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My Story

I began Equinox as a creative outlet for my whimsical soul, to imagine what it would be like to run a medieval apothecary or to be Sally Owens in Practical Magic, crafting up spells for her botanical shop. After several years of dreaming and sharing my scented creations with friends and family, I felt called to throw open the digital doors to a wider audience and share the magic with all of you. As a musician who has worked her whole life in the music industry, it feels natural to me to string scents together to create a symphonic olfactory experience. That's because scent, like music, has a genuine magical ability to transport us in time and place through powerful sensory memories. The fragrances you find in my shop all transport me to special places in my life like the Highlands of Scotland, the misty forests of New Zealand, the shores of Ibiza, or the glowing canals of the Netherlands. Whether they also remind you of a special place in your life, or become the prelude to future memories, I sincerely hope you enjoy the enchanting experience of Equinox products as much as I have enjoyed making them for you.



As a scholar of medieval folk charms and traditions of the Highlands of Scotland, I am enchanted by how plants and the natural world can enrich our daily lives. One day I hope to publish a book on everything I have learned, but in the meantime I have woven a little extra magic into my wax melts that can be enjoyed for their stories alone, or as inspiration for creating your own modern rituals and traditions. Each natural botanical ingredient used in my wax melts tells either a native or naturalised plant found in the British Isles and has a magical place in its folklore.

planting for the future

I sponsor a grove at Trees for Life, an organisation on a mission to re-wild the forests and protect the habitats of Scotland's native species. This is a cause close to my heart, and I have already donated over £350 to my grove, and will continue to donate a portion of revenues toward new plantings. It is so important that we look after our planet for generations to come, and it starts by better understanding the impact of deforestation or over harvesting in our own back yards. To learn more about the re-wilding of the Scottish forests, or to donate directly to my grove please visit us below.

Visit my grove

safety & the environment

I use only sustainable, vegan, non-GMO soy wax made in Sweden, that is devoid of toxic substances or synthetic additives (only botanical additives) and cruelty-free high-end fragrance oils to make my products. This means you get cleaner burns and safer air emissions when using my home fragrances. However, with the use of any candle, melt or spray there comes with it the risks of fire or irritation to sensitive individuals or pets. Please read the safety instructions carefully, and research your options if you are at all unsure. Where possible and safe to do so, I have used recycled or recyclable materials in my products, lowering my impact on the environment when crafting or shipping items.